Multiple is a number that is divided by another number without a remainder. Lets divide 57 by 6 we have 3 as remainder. So 57 is not a multiple of 6.
Oh, dude, sure thing! So, to simplify 19/57, you just need to find a number that both 19 and 57 can be divided by. In this case, they can both be divided by 19. So, 19 divided by 19 is 1, and 57 divided by 19 is 3. Therefore, the simplified fraction is 1/3. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
The number is 18,012
57 goes into 57 one time. When any number is divided by itself, the quotient is always 1.
Multiple is a number that is divided by another number without a remainder. Lets divide 57 by 6 we have 3 as remainder. So 57 is not a multiple of 6.
Yes, 57 is a composite number because it can be divided by numbers other than 1 and itself. In this case, 57 can be divided by 3 and 19 in addition to 1 and 57.
57 is prime. Prime means it can only be multiplied by the number and 1. 57/100 is in its simplest form.