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Q: What is the greek fractional prefix meaning one one hundredth?
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What does pent mean in math?

By itself, it means nothing. But it is a Greek prefix meaning 5.

Why does k equal 1000?

Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

What is another word for hetero?

Hetero as a prefix is derived from combinant form of Greek heteros "the other (of two), another, different;" first element meaning "one, at one, together"

What is hexa?

Hexa is a prefix derived from the Greek word for 6.

What do you call a hundred sided shape?

You call it a Chilligon. "Chilli" is Greek and means 100 and "gon" is the prefix.

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The Greek fractional prefix meaning one one-billionth is "nano-".

What is the Greek fractional prefix meaning one one-billionth?

The Greek fractional prefix meaning one one-billionth is "nano-" (symbol: n).

What is the Greek fractional prefix meaning one 1 thousandth?


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Centi- is Latin, meaning a hundredth of a unit of measurement.

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micro- It represents the Greek symbol mu (looks like a script u).

Greek fractional prefix meaning one one thousandth?

one one-thousandth is a really big number * * * * * That is an incorrect answer to some other question. The prefix for a thousandth is milli.

What is the Greek meaning of the prefix ween?

It is not Greek and has no Greek meaning.

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In greek word what does the prefix and suffix of glucose relate to it's meaning?

The prefix "glu" comes from the Greek words γλυκύς (glukus), meaning "sweet".

What is a greek prefix meaning skin?

The Greek prefix meaning "skin" is "derm-", as in words like dermatology (study of skin) and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).

What is the meaning of the Greek or Latin prefix clado?

Greek klados - to strike

What is a Greek prefix meaning earthquake?

seismo-, seism-, -seism, -seisms, -seisma, -seismically, -seismical, -seismal, & -seismic