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Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

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Adapted from a Wikipedia article: k is short for "kilo", and that is derived from a Greek word meaning "thousand". The prefix "kilo" was originally adopted by Antoine Lavoisier and his group in 1795, and introduced into the metric system in France with its establishment in 1799.

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