On year in Latin is annum. A half year is a semi-annum (from which is derived the term, semi-annual).
Half a year can also be called six months.
It's called a Semicentennial. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anniversary
There are 26 weeks in half a year.
6 months = a half of a year
In half a year there are 6 months. If you ment in one and a half years, then 18 months.
it would be called a dragoon
A period of six months is called half a year.
No, it is not correct grammar to write About a year and a half year ago.The correct way: about a year and a half ago.Example sentences:The family moved out about a year and a half ago.About a year and a half ago, I broke my ankle.The phrase "about a year and a half ago" means "about 18 months ago".
It's called a Semicentennial. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anniversary
Half a year is 6 months
A half guitar half keyboard is called a Keytar
There are six months in one half of a year.
There are 26 weeks in half a year.
6 months = a half of a year
a hemisphere
Half human-half dog is called a youkai. half human-half fox is called kitsune
a half woman and a half bird in the Odyssey is called a Siren.