I suppose you mean, the biggest finite number. There is none; you can always add one more, to get an even bigger number.
Nor is there a biggest infinite number, for that matter. If you raise two to an infinite power, you get a bigger infinity.
Infinity is not a number. It is another way of saying that something gets larger and larger without an end. So, you cannot add 1 to some thing which is not a number. However, in mathematics, there are infinities that could be added, multiplied, or subtracted. There are cardinal, ordinal, surreal and hyperreal numbers to all of which 1 can be meaningfully added. For infinite cardinal numbers, adding one does not change the number. For ordinal numbers, the number can be changed depending on whether you add 1 to the number, or the number to 1 - there is no commutativity. With hyperreal numbers, one can do pretty much anything one would expect of a real number. As to the surreal ones, the arithmetic operations produce magic results increasing the number of various infinities to fantastic proportions. In general, to add 1 to a number means to take the successor of that number. The successor of a set A is the set which consists of all the elements of A along with A itself. In other words the successor of A is A U {A}, and it has "one" more element than A. So, infinity + 1 = infinity U {infinity}.
thou is the royal synonym
žComplete predicates are all the other words besides the subject and its modifiers.
A prime number is a number with two and only two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number is a number with more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself. 59 does not have any factors besides 1 and itself (not more than two factors), so it is a prime number.
That could be taken too many ways to really answer. Take a look at these: (In increasing order) Nine Hundred-Ninety Ninety Thousand-Ninety Ninety Duodecillion-Ninety (million is 1, billion is 2, dodecillion is 12) Ninety Googolplex-Ninety Ninety Googleplex Cubed. Infinity times infinity. Infinity Cubed Cubed (infinity to the power of three, then that to the power of three again) Infinity to Infinity (as in to the power of)
That number does not exist since numbers go on infinitely.
Latin words meaning infinity are infinitas and infinitio.
The highest place value in the decimal system is the aleph null'th place. It should be noted that aleph null is an infinite number (in fact, it is the smallest infinity possible) and represents the cardinality of the natural number set. In other words, there is no finite number which is the highest place value in the decimal system. (The Aleph character breaks Answers.com's WYSIWYG editor. The Aleph null character looks like: 0א except that the 0 is on the other side of the aleph character )
Such boundless questions bring only finite remarks. What gets lost once one begins defining infinity? Could you define infinity? What infinite number of definitions could even hope to describe the vast and endless scope of infinity? What words could even wonder what infinite ways will go? Infinity has no place inside definitions that only seek to confine such unlimited abandon, such vastness that goes beyond vast, whose quantity remains hopelessly unquantifiable, whose timelessness remains indifferent to time certain in it's infinite belief that infinity will outlast time. The limitations of language, even mathematical equations, lets us know the sheer audacity of defining infinity. There are not enough words in the English language, nor any other, to give fair representation of infinity. What words could describe infinite ideas in a finite world? What words used to describe the finite could possibly give justice to the infinite? Words, words, words, in their endless pratter and never ending blather could never, ever, ever reach infinity with out infinity allowing words to do so. What infinite effort could ever hope to define infinity? How could anyone even dare? How can you define infinity. why cannt you just say boundless, unlimited, immeasurable, innumarable, not limited by number or person or something like that?
There are no whole number factors of 37 besides 1 and 37. In other words, 37 is a prime number.
InfinityThere are different kinds of infinity. Some are bigger than others. ______________________________________________________________________Infinity is a math concept. nothing in the real world is infinite (without limits). In other words, two infinities are equal only if the math teacher says so.Infinity isn't a number or a value so you can't compare its size to another infinity.
CoolFunny XDAnd...Smart! Pie = 3.14 The square root of infinity is infinity =|
A prime number is a number with two and only two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number is a number with more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself. 19 does not have any factors besides 1 and itself, so it is a prime number.
no adjectives do. you can take many many adjectives to describe one noun.
Answer:569 is a prime number.Definition:A prime number has exactly two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number has more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself.Explanation:569 has no factors besides 1 and itself, so it is a prime number.