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Q: What is the highest number that appears on a pool ball?
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What number is the blue ball in pool?

The blue ball in the game of pool is the #2.

Which ball number is in the middle of a game of pool if placed smallest ball to largest?

This is not possible in any common game of pool. Only Straight Pool allows the balls to be placed in nearly any position to accomplish this - no other common pool game allows placing the balls in that order. The middle of the rack is in between the second and third row of balls. It appears what is being asked is what ball will be in the 5th ball position, with one ball to left and one ball to the right if all the balls are arranged lowest to highest. This would be the 5 ball. However, Straight Pool requires that the 1 ball and the 5 ball be placed in the corners. Therefore, no pool game allows the balls to be placed in the way required - so, any ball may be in the "middle" position depending upon the game of pool being played.

What color is the number 8 ball in pool?

A six ball for pool is dark green.

What number is the Orange pool ball?


What color pool ball is number 2?

The number 2 ball is a solid blue color.

What number is the black ball in a game of pool?


Do snooker balls have numbers in them?

All pool games require that certain balls be identified. If you chose to use a custom set of pool balls with only the markings necessary for a particular game, it would not be contrary to the regulations to do so.

What is a flawless rack in 9 ball pool at miniclip?

It is a combination shot between the lowest and the highest ball, resulting in the dropping in of all the rest of the balls with a 2000 point bonus per ball and other bonuses. Needless to say the number 1 and number 9 ball combinations gives the highest score. Strategy will be ball placement rather than just accurate shots. Sometimes it is better to drop a low ball rather then to keep losing time chasing it around the table. Hope this helps..Michael

What is the volume of a pool ball?

5.96 cubic inches. This volume is for a US regulation pool ball which is 2.25 inches in diameter. As a pool ball is used, its size slowly decreases and it becomes out of round. This is due to the abrasive pool chalk used in the game, which is more like sandpaper than like chalk. So, this number applies only to a new pool ball.

What is the number of the striped blue pool ball?

Zero. There are no points in conventional pool games for any balls, although in straight pool, a point is scored for each legally pocketed ball, regardless of color.

What is the lowest ball in pool?

The lowest numbered ball in pool is the 1 ball. Pool does not assign points to the balls, so they are all of equal value.

What is the fifth pool ball in the pool triangle?

The fifth ball in a pool ball triangle will dpend upon the game being played. In Straight Pool, it can be any of 13 different balls. Only the 1 and the 5 cannot be located there. In 8 Ball, the 5th ball must be the 8 ball.