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Square roots? for example, 5 to the 2 is the square root of 5. 6 to the 3 is the cubed root of 6.

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Q: What is the inverse operation of exponential functions?
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What is inverse of exponential function?

The logarithm function. If you specifically mean the function ex, the inverse function is the natural logarithm. However, functions with bases other than "e" might also be called exponential functions.

How are exponential and log functions related?

One is the inverse of the other, just like the arc-sine is the inverse of the sine, or division is the inverse of multiplication.

Is the inverse of an exponential function the quadratic function?

No. The inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function.

Is inverse operations a multiplication or division word?

Not necessarily. The inverse operation of finding a reciprocal is doing the same thing again. The inverse operation of raising a number to a power is taking the appropriate root, the inverse operation of exponentiation is taking logarithms; the inverse operation of taking the sine of an angle is finding the arcsine of the value (and similarly with other trigonometric functions);

Math question what is inverse operation?

Mathematical function that undoes the effect of another function. For example, the inverse function of the formula that converts Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature is the formula that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. Applying one formula and then the other yields the original temperature. Inverse procedures are essential to solving equations because they allow mathematical operations to be reversed (e.g. logarithms, the inverses of exponential functions, are used to solve exponential equations). Whenever a mathematical procedure is introduced, one of the most important questions is how to invert it. Thus, for example, the trigonometric functions gave rise to the inverse trigonometric functions.

What is inverse operation?

An inverse operation reverses an affect of another operation. Addition is the inverse operation of subtraction. So are multiplication and subtraction.

What operation is the inverse operation of addition?

adative inverse

Is an exponential function is the inverse of a logarithmic function?

No, an function only contains a certain amount of vertices; leaving a logarithmic function to NOT be the inverse of an exponential function.

Inverse operation of a square?

Square root is the inverse operation of a square.

What does inverse mean in arithmetic?

"opposite" operation. The inverse of subtraction is addition; the inverse operation of multiplication is division.

What expression is the inverse operation of 3020?

3020 is a number, not an operation. A number cannot have an inverse operation.

What are the seven types of function?

There are infinitely many types of functions. For example: Discrete function, Continuous functions, Differentiable functions, Monotonic functions, Odd functions, Even functions, Invertible functions. Another way of classifying them gives: Logarithmic functions, Inverse functions, Algebraic functions, Trigonometric functions, Exponential functions, Hyperbolic functions.