2 has a larger value than 0.8.
No 0.08% is not larger than 0.59%
No, .5 is larger. When determining which decimal is larger you look at the number directly to the right of the decimal, in this case 2 and 5. Since 5 is larger, 0.5 is larger than 0.212.
The larger number is 48: it was 40.
No, that will indicate the percentage the smaller number is of the larger number.
The smaller number is 8, and the larger one is 21. 8 + 13 = 21 8 + 21(2) = 50
2 is larger than 1.4 is.
Not necessarily. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 3 x 47 = 141
A fraction can be larger than 1, for example, 4/2 is a fraction (which can be simplified to 2). Only a fraction that is larger than 1, multiplied by another number gives you a larger number.
0 is larger than -2.
This question makes no sense. 2 millimetres is larger than 1 millimetre, but 2.3 millimetres is larger than 2 millimetres and so on - all the way up the number line.
The larger number.
iix xxvii mx x is 10 i is 1 m is 1000 if a smaller number is infront of a larger number it is subtracted.
No, as it's an even number larger than 2 (the only even prime number) it can be divided by 2
For any number x, the next consecutive even number is (x+2).So when x + (x+2) = 382x + 2 = 382x = 36x = 18The smaller number is 18, and the larger number is 20.
2 and 101
A rational number, slightly larger than 2.