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infinity is a number that never ends but in modern world the largest number is centillion.

Centillion is a number with 600 0's to it. so it's written like this


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12y ago
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Tristyn Thompson

Lvl 1
2y ago
wow my sister was asking me so i looked on the way i'm in 3 grade.
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Lucas Wagner

Lvl 1
3w ago
There are bigger numbers
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Lucas Wagner

Lvl 1
3w ago
the largest number is a millillion. A 1 followed by 3,003 0's

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Q: What is the largest number in the world apart from infinity?
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Is infinity the largest number in the world?

Infinity is NOT the biggest number in the world. I mean what if somebody says:infinity and one, infinity and two, Infinity x infinity? So infinity is not the largest number in the world, I myself don't think there is one. Numbers just keep going no matter what, people just run out of names to call them. F.Y.I. PLAY ROBLOX!!!

World's largest number under infinity?

There is no largest number under infinity because what ever the highest number is, one can always be added to it, making the new number the highest number.

Is infinity plus one the largest number in the world?

Not exactly. Infinity means that the number goes on forever so you really can't add one to it.

What is the largest number in the world?

(MAYBE ONLY) Mathematically, there is no biggest number because if you were to identify any number and call it the biggest, it would always be possible to make a bigger one. Big number +1 = bigger number. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is infinity. (ACTUAL ANSWER) INFINITY IS A MATH SYMBOL .Plus the biggest number is a googaplax. Even if you say googaplax +1 (or bigger)there is no such thing.

What number is before infinity?

A googolplex which has a googol zeros (a googol has 100 zeros after it) is a big one, but there is no "highest number", because you can always add one to it. Some people believe infinity is the highest number, but you can always just add one.

What is the largest integer and the largest floating-point number?

In real-world math, there is no "largest" integer or floating point number. This is covered by the concepts known as "infinity" and "irrationality." Depending on the processor and/or application, a number with significant digits into the thousands can be operated upon.

Is 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 the largest number in the world?

There is no "largest number in the world". If you add 1 to the number you wrote, you get a larger number. Omitting some zeroes: if your "largest number" is 1,000,000, add 1 to get 1,000,001. This will obviously be larger than the original number. People may think infinity is the largest number, but relativaly speaking infinity is not a number, therefor infinity goes on and on. Think of it as f(x)=x+1 if you substitute x for any number you will get a larger number that what x was. Googleplex which is 10^100 is too large to write on paper and is also larger than the universe. To sum up, there is no largest number. Nothing is faster than the speed of light. E=Mc2. Engery=mass times the speed of light squared.

What is the highiest number in the world?


Large number in the world?

positive infinity

How much is infinity times infinity to the max times all of the infinities to the maxes there are in the whole wide world?

Ironically, the answer is: infinity (Infinity is a concept not a number)

Is infinty the last number in the world?

It depends if they make another word that means more than infinity but I'll say yes infinity is the last number in the world

What is the latest number in the whole world?

Infinity, that being said, there are inanities of different size! Graham's number holds the record for the largest number ever used in a serious mathematical proof. You can look it up in the related links.