-- There's no such thing as a "square hectare". -- One hectare is 10,000 square meters. -- There are no meters in it, since "meter" is a unit of length and "square meter" is a unit of area.
In 620 square meters, there are no meters, as square meters are a unit of area, not length. Square meters measure the two-dimensional space within a shape, while meters measure length or distance. The square meter is the SI derived unit of area, with the symbol m², and it is defined as the area of a square with sides of one meter.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the easy ones! So, like, a square meter is just a unit of area, not length. It's literally a square that's 1 meter by 1 meter, so it doesn't have meters in it. It's like asking how many apples are in a banana, you know?
Square feet is a unit of area, a metre is a unit of linear length. The units are incompatible.
One square meter equates to 10.76391 square feet.
There is no "mili" meter.There is a length unit millimeter (millimetre in British). The millimeter is one thousandth of a meter. It is a length (one dimensional).Square meter is an area (two dimensional).There are one million square millimeters in one square meter. (1000 * 1000 = 1000000)
Imagine a square box laying on the floor, and all the sides are one meter in length. You will have a square that is 1m^2 or one square meter.
This question doesn't make any sence. A square meter is a two dimensional measurement of area, a meter is a one dimensional measurement of length. You can't have any square meters in a meter.
you cant change a measure of area into length
They are two different types of measurement. A Meter is a measurement of length. A Square Meter is a measurement of area. It is a square that is one meter long on each side. Doesn't really make sense. They measure different things, a square metre measures area. A metre measures length. A square metre is the area of a square whose sides all measure one metre.
1 metre !
A square metre is a measure of area - NOT of length. An area of 1 square metre can have ANY length that you like.
One square meter is the area of a square that measures one meter on each side, so it represents a two-dimensional space, not a length or distance.
If the area is one square meter, the side length is one meter. Therefore, the perimeter is four meters.
A square meter is a measurement of area, not length, so it does not have a direct conversion to inches. The area of a square meter is equal to 1,550.0031 square inches.
A meter is equal to no square meters:a meter, as a measure of length, has no width therefore its area (in square meters) is: length x 0 = 0 square meters.
There are 10,000 square centimeters in one square meter.