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20 units.

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Q: What is the length of each side on a square with a perimeter of 80 units?
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What shape has the perimeter of 64 units?

If it's a square then each side of the square will be 16 units in length

Is it possible draw square with a perimeter of 20 units?

Yes. Make the length of each side 1/4 of the desired perimeter.

If a perimeter of a square is 220 what is the length of each?

Since a square has four sides of equal length: 220 / 4 = 55 units per side.

If the sides of each of the shape triangle square and the hexagon are the same whole number length which figure has a perimeter of 64 units How long is each side?

Square, 16 units.

Can you draw a square with the perimeter of 20 units?

Yes, because each of its 4 sides would measure 5 units in length.

What has the perimeter of 4?

Isnt it a square cause perimeter means length around shape, and the question 'what has the perimeter of 4' 4 means 4 units, the units could be anything, but it must be a square cause a square has 4sides so if each side of a suare is 1 unit, then it has 4 units all together

What is the perimeter of a triangle if the length of each side is 2.4 units?

The perimeter is 3 * 2.4 = 7.2 units

What is the length of each side of a rhombus with a perimeter of 64?

16 units of length

What is the area and perimeter of a large square if two congruent rectangles are arranged so they from a square with each perimeter of rectangles is 36 inches?

area = 144 square units perimeter = 48 units

If a square has a perimeter of 24 what is its area?

Perimeter = 24 units implies each side = 6 units So area = 6*6 = 36 square units.

True Or False Is The perimeter of a polygon is the number of square units contained in its interior?

The perimeter of a polygon is not generally equal to the number of square units contained in its interior, which is the definition of the area of the polygon, not of its perimeter. By coincidence, the area and perimeter of a square four units on each side have the same magnitude, 16, but the perimeter is 16 units and the area is 16 square units .

Draw and label a square with a perimeter of 8 unitswhat are the lengths of the sides?

The perimeter is the sum of the sides (which on a square are all equal). So the equation is 4s=8, where 's' is the length of one of the sides. Solving for 's', we find that each side of the square is 2 units in length.