a letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers is a
The set of whole numbers is represented by Z.
The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.
It is a variable.
a letter or symbol that stands for one or more numbers is a
The set of whole numbers is represented by Z.
The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.
a variable
It is a variable.
An imaginary number is symbolized by the letter i
'W' but if u want integers which are different then it is 'Z'
It is a variable
The symbols used for counting in math are called numbers, or numerals. They can be whole numbers, or fractions of parts of a number.
Q is the set of all rational numbers. The letter Q is used because rationals can be expressed as a quotient of two integers. Any letter from the Greek or Latin alphabet may be used as a symbol for an individual rational number.