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It means the person stand on the ground and did not say anything?

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Q: What is the meaning of stood rooted to the ground?
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How do you use the phrase stood rooted in a sentence?

(The idiom is "to stand rooted to the spot" meaning to be transfixed, unable to move, either by surprise, apprehension, fear, or awe.) He stood rooted to the spot as the giant boulder slowly rolled past him, missing him by inches.

What does '' stood my ground'' mean?

Stood up for yourself

Are plants motile, meaning can they move from one place to another?

No, plants are not motile, meaning they cannot move from one place to another like animals can. They are rooted in the ground and rely on other means, such as wind or animals, for dispersal.

What is a sentence for rooted?

I was amazed at how quickly the pig rooted out the truffles.I was upset that my girlfriend rooted for the other team- her brother's team!

Why do humans do not chloroplasts?

because humans have no need for it and we would probably be then rooted into the ground

What is the synonym of stood his ground?

backed off / fell

Why the displacement is zero when a man is pushing a wall?

This is because the wall is firmly rooted to the ground.

Please make a sentence with the words 'she stood aghast'?

She stood aghast as her home for her entire life burned to the ground.

What is the meaning of the phrase whose soul is sense'?

The lovers' love is rooted in the senses.

Why plants cannot show locomotion?

Because they have no structures like muscles to move with. They are rooted to the ground.

What are the pools of energy in your chakras?

They are called 'chi', or energy that is from the ground/earth. That is why we should be firmly rooted' or grounded.

What is the definition of stood?

the definition of stood is past and past partiicle of stand,so just type what is the meaning of "stand"