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900 degrees

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Q: What is the measure of interior angles of a convex heptagon?
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What is the measure of the interior angles of a convex heptagon?

An interior angle of a convex heptagon can have any value in the range (0, 180) degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a convex heptagon?

900 degrees. And it does not have to be convex.

A convex polygon has 6 sides what is the sum of the measure of its interior angles?

a convex polygon has 6 sides . What is the sum of the measure of its interior angles?

Interior measure of a convex polygon with four sides?

If interior measure means interior angles, their sum is 360 degrees. Also, whether the figure is convex is irrlevant.

Is a convex heptagon a polygon where all sides and angles are congruent?

Not necessarily. A convex heptagon is a polygon but it need not have all sides and angles congruent.

Find the sum of the measures of the angles in a convex heptagon?

The sum of the angles is 900 degrees - and the polygon does not need to be convex.

A convex polygon has 25 sides what is the sum of the measure of its interior angles?

icosikaipentagon or pentacosagon

If a convex polygon has four sides what is the sum of the measure of its interior angles?

360 degrees

What is the sum of the measure of the interior angles of the convex 10 gon?

It is 8 x180=1440 degrees. Take an n-gon and the measure of the interior angles is (n-2)x180 degrees.

Is the sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon the same as a non-convex polygon?

No. In a convex polygon the sum of the interior angles is (n-2)*180 deg where n is the number of interior angles. In a non-convex polygon this is not necessarily true.

What is the convex interior angles?

angles that face outwards

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex?

It depends on convex WHAT!