your date of birth...without it you are....nothing (no identity!)
How do i know????? That is the most complicated question in the whole world!
The question is based on an ignorance of what an atomic number is. It represents the number of protons in an atom of the element and is always, ALWAYS a whole number.
The most 'popular' number in the world has not been recorded.
Three is a common number in fairy tales, stories and superstitions.
§ In comparing two whole numbers, the one with the most digits is always the greater number. § In decimals the number with the greatest number of digits is not always the greatest.
NCVI are the 4 most important letters
Its important for the world because most of the whole world plays it. and every country has their team
most important person in the whole wide world and beyond
bluefin tuna fish is important or a sexi bodii babe
No, most real numbers are not whole numbers.
His most known creation was the Alt. current generators which light the whole world today.
the speed of light is the most important number
Bad Romance. It is also the number 1 song in the whole world.
The generator is one of the most important inventions in modern times because it converts different kinds of energy into electrical energy, and the whole world runs on electricity. Well almost the whole world.
The most important resource for the whole region is oil.
How do i know????? That is the most complicated question in the whole world!
Muhammad is the most popular name in the world.