Greatest, largest, most sizeable, hugest
This answer is true!
As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
largest to smallest most valuable to least valuable oldest to youngest greatest to least
The correct answer is 'E' This is for Apex users
Cleopatra's tomb has not been discovered. It remains one of the most sought-after archaeological mysteries.
Active & Healthy.
Potentially the most important genetic link was discovered in the early 1990s on chromosome 19. A gene on this chromosome, called apoE, codes for a protein involved in transporting lipids into neurons.
active and healthy
active and healthy
Most certainly. Everything that can be discovered has not yet been discovered. So much remains unexplained.
By 1959, a total of 102 elements had been discovered. The most recent element discovered at that time was Einsteinium (Element 99), which was first synthesized in 1952.
Most planets that have been discovered are in the Milky Way
The world's largest legume is the entada gigas. The pod of which can be five feet long.
No explorer discovered most of Australia in 1770. Australia had been "discovered" over 150 years earlier by the Dutch. However, Lieutenant James Cook (later Captain) charted the east coast in 1770.