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price or equilibrium

A curve

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Q: What is the name of a curved line on a graph?
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Related questions

What is the name of a curved ine graph?

The name of a curved line gragh is a pie chart or a circle gragh.

What does it mean when there is a curved line going upwards on a graph?

When there is a curved line going upwards on a graph it means the distance is increasing

What is a curved line graph called?

nonlinear line

What does a curved line represent on a time vs distance graph?

The curved line on a time vs. distance graph represents that the object is accelerating.

What is a curve in math?

it is a line on a graph that is curved

Can you use a curved line in a finite graph?


What kind of line on a distance-versus-time graph indicates that the objects is accelerating?

Any curved line on a distance/time graph indicates the presence of accelerationthat's causing a change in the magnituide of the velocity. But if the object's speedis constant, and the acceleration is changing its direction only, then the line on theD-T graph would remain straight.In summary:Every curved line on a D-T graph reveals acceleration, but not every accelerationproduces a curved line on a D-T graph.

What is the definition of the term 'curved'?

"Curved" refers to something that deviates from a straight line. It may refer to a bend in the road, a line on a graph, or the trajectory of a baseball.

How do you tell whether a graph shows a constant or variable rate of change?

The slope of each point on the line on the graph is the rate of change at that point. If the graph is a straight line, then its slope is constant. If the graph is a curved line, then its slope changes.

Why don't all the points fall exactly on the curved line on a line graph?

You don't say what the curved line is so it is impossible to say. Is it a case of insufficient accuracy of measurement?

How do you draw a curved line on a graph from the equation?

i dont think there is such thing as the equation of a curved line the closest is probably a (hyperbola, ellipse, or parabola) with a restriction making it look like a curved line but it would be very complicated

What is the difference between a curved line on a distance-time graph and a straight line?

A curved line represents changing speed - either acceleration or deceleration - while a straight line indicates that the speed is constant.