In Geometry, we call it Subsitution Property.
i.e: If a=b, then you can replace a with be in any expression.
Hope this helps!
the answer is the commutative property
even numbers
You are describing a 'sum'.
2.445 and 2.446
The quantity of two numbers is the product of the two numbers. Just multiply them together. The answer is the quantity of the two numbers.
1. circuit switching 2. packet switching
Another name for 'rational' is "numbers that are equal to the ratio of two whole numbers". Another name for 'irrational' is "numbers that are not equal to the ratio of any two whole numbers".
the answer is the commutative property
The name of the result is the sum.
The difference among different types of switching devices is in the features and the functions that they have. The two main types are packet switching and circuit switching devices.
The Product
When you add two numbers together and divide that number by the 2, the result is the average.
Numbers that can be expressed as a ratio are called rational numbers.
Central Office
Two Numbers That Have The Greatest Common Factor Of Eight Are: 16 and 56
even numbers
Message Switching