To round to a whole number you're going to round to the nearest number with no decimal. For a half number you will have a number that ends in .5 or with no decimal.Examples;56.893 rounded to the nearest whole number is 5756.893 is closest to 56 and 57. It is .893 away from 56, but is only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearest whole number.56.893 rounded to the nearest half number is also 57The two half numbers that are near 56.893 are 56.5 and 57, but 56.893 is .393 away from 56.5 and only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearer whole number.3.389 rounded to the nearest whole number is 33.389 rounded to the nearest half number is 3.5
The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
5.72 to the nearest whole number is 6
3.62 to the nearest whole number = 4
To round to a whole number you're going to round to the nearest number with no decimal. For a half number you will have a number that ends in .5 or with no decimal.Examples;56.893 rounded to the nearest whole number is 5756.893 is closest to 56 and 57. It is .893 away from 56, but is only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearest whole number.56.893 rounded to the nearest half number is also 57The two half numbers that are near 56.893 are 56.5 and 57, but 56.893 is .393 away from 56.5 and only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearer whole number.3.389 rounded to the nearest whole number is 33.389 rounded to the nearest half number is 3.5
The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.The nearest whole number is 0.
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
4.3 to the nearest whole number is 4
To round 50.67 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the tenths place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the whole number. Therefore, rounding 50.67 to the nearest whole number gives us 51.
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
6.5 to the nearest whole number is 7.
1.6 to the nearest whole number = 2
It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number
51.625 to the nearest whole number is 52
20.663 to nearest whole number is 21