(That number is rounded. 'Pi' can't be completely written out with digits.)
Pie is an irrational number because it has infinite decimal places.
Pie was discovered on March 14th by Scientists. They celebrate it because pie is a never ending number. Pie=3.14 and more!
the number is spelled pi, not pie. Pie is a food, pi is different.Pi is an irrational number (number which doesn't end) which is the ratio to the circumference o f a circle to its diameter.Some beginning numbers of pi are: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...and so on
no because its not a whole number
its like pie. pie is 3.14.....................4545.. and its just like nu,bers going on for ever.
pi [not pie] is an irrational number.
You cannot because "pie" is not a number but a food item.
Pie is NOT a number so for get that idea! lol And the answer is .... No ☻
No. Pie is potentially never ending. This makes it an irrational number.
Pie is an irrational number because it has infinite decimal places.
The only whole number is 11 segments of the pie.
Pie is not a number. Pi on the other hand is a number.
Pie is a symbol that represents a number (3.14159...). Pie algebra is when the number Pie is used in algebra like the ccircumference of a circle. A circumference of a circle is worked out by Pie algebra: DxPie (diameter x Pie). Its a bit complicated to explain but...
the meaning of pie is a number. and the number that represents pie is 3.14159 but continues.
It is rational number.
a pie sadly does not have pips