Find the units digit of 8*7. The 30 in 38 will have no effect on the units digit.
the digit in the ones place is the 3
The value of the ones digit in 27 is 7.
The product is 96, therefore the ones digit would be 6
The product of 12 X 8 is written as 96. The ones in the digit 96 is six (6).
The ones digit in the product from multiplying the 305 prime numbers less than 2012 is 0 because the ones digit becomes 0 after 2 and 5 have been multiplied and remains unchanged after more prime numbers are multiplied.
The units digit of 159*445*7762*39 is the units digit of the product of the units digits of the four numbers, that is, the units digit of 9*5*2*9 Since there is a 5 and a 2 in that, the units digit is 0.
Find the units digit of 8*7. The 30 in 38 will have no effect on the units digit.
The 2 is the ones digit. ■
The answer depends on what the tens digit is greater than, and what the ones digit does then.
For the number 25, the 5 is the ones digit (and the 2 is the tens digit). So, for 99 the second 9 from left to right is the ones digit.