Outside linear dimension is the total sum of length, width and height. For most airlines, one can not have outside linear dimension of 62 for a suit case.
What you are looking for are driven dimensions. Derived dimensions must be a typo. Driven dimensions are enclosed in parentheses to distinguish them from regular dimensions in inventor. These dimensions do not contrain a sketch they simply reflect dimensioned geometry which is most likely under some geometric constraint.
Linear dimensions, or linear units, measure the distance between two points. Since two points define a line, the units of distance are sometimes called "linear" units or dimensions. Some linear units are centimeters and inches, meters and feet, kilometers and miles, to name a few.Area dimensions are two-dimensional and measure area. They are often, but not always, expressed as squares of linear dimensions: square inches or inches squared (in2), square feet or feet squared (ft2), and square meters or meters squared (m2). A rectangle that is six feet long by four feet wide, for example, has an area of 24 square feet (six linear feet times four linear feet).Examples of units of area that are not a square of a linear unit are the acre and hectare. There are others.Volume dimensions are three-dimensional and are expressed as the cube of linear units. A cube that measures 2 centimeters on each edge has a volume of 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 cubic centimeters.In the context of air travel (from AlaskaAir's contract of carriage):Maximum Outside Linear Dimensions means the sum of the greatest outside length plus the greatest outside width plus the greatest outside height.Read more: What_are_linear_dimensions
The dimensions are: The dimensions of the square are LW Length x width (srry about the last one)
A triangle is a plane figure so it has two dimensions: length and breadth.
The dimensions of a dice is- each side is of 16mm
The outside dimensions of this particular model are 15.3" Height x 6.9" Width x 14.7" Depth.
The outside dimensions of a NBA basketball court is 94feet by 50 feet (28.65 meters by 15.24 meters)
Garage dimensions are typically measured by the outside walls, also known as the exterior dimensions. This helps in determining the building's footprint and the space available for parking or storage within the garage.
-length-outside diameter of shaft-wall thickness
Yes. It is called a T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.) It is a blue telephone box on the outside.
There is currently no scientific evidence or technology that allows for traveling through dimensions as portrayed in science fiction. The concept of traveling through dimensions remains speculative and outside the realm of our current understanding of the universe.
Inbounds means within the dimensions of the playing court. Out of bounds means outside the dimensions of the playing court.
The correct dimensions are measured from inside post to post for width, and from the surface to the inside of the crossbar for height
Add together the length, width & Height to equal it
The dimensions for a 20 gallon drum is 21.75 inches high, 18.25 inches inside diameter, and 18.75 inches outside diameter. It can accommodate a load of 199 pounds.
Assuming the dimensions given are inside dimensions, the cylinder will hold 55.75 gallons - less if the dimensions given are outside dimensions.
The outside dimensions are indeterminate. Let L ft be any length greater than 590.32 feet [actually sqrt(348480) ft]. and let B = 348480/L ft. Then a rectangle of dimensions LxB will have an area of L*(348480/L) sq ft = 348480 sq ft = 8 acres. Since L can have infinitely many values, the answer to the question cannot be determined.