It is 99.
The pattern is: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, and 108.
The GCF of 9s and 63s^3 is 9s.
You could have one No. 9 or a handful of No. 9s
9s + 7 = -11 9s = -18 s = -18/9 s = -2
The GCF is 9s.
The answer depends on what the ellipses represent. If it is repeating 9s then it is. If it means that the string of digits goes on but with no repeating pattern then it is not.
Since 9s is a factor of 36s, it is automatically the GCF.
The equivalent is 7s+2s = 9s
You have to combine equal terms. -5r-9s+9r+3s-6 = -5r+9r-9s+3s-6 = 4r-6s-6
The next year after 1999 that will have three 9s in its title will be 2999.