unit price
The price of a single item will vary depending on the item, and half the value of two items. The amount of the item will be one because it is a single item. If there are two single items the amount will be doubled and will be worth twice the amount of a single item. In most cases if not all, a single item is worth about one third of the price of three items even if you buy one and get one free. If you get two for the price of one the single item amount will be two but the price will be one.
sale price
The discount.
You need to know the discounted price and either the discount amount or the discount rate. If you know the discount amount: Original Price = Discounted Price + Discount If you know the Discount Rate (percentage discount ): Original Price = 100*Discounted Price / (100 - Discount Rate)
Unit price
The price of a single item will vary depending on the item, and half the value of two items. The amount of the item will be one because it is a single item. If there are two single items the amount will be doubled and will be worth twice the amount of a single item. In most cases if not all, a single item is worth about one third of the price of three items even if you buy one and get one free. If you get two for the price of one the single item amount will be two but the price will be one.
The name of the amount of money you save when you buy an item at a discounted price is called the difference of the original price. To find the difference, you simply subtract the discount price from the original price and that total is the amount of money you saved, the difference.
The selling price of an item is the amount of money for which it is sold.
A single unit of quanta is called a quantum. A quantum refers to the minimal amount of energy needed for a physical item to interact.
Mark up
There is no minimum listing price for single item listings.
sale price
The discount.
ya mothe
If an item has a reserve price at an auction it means no matter the amount bid it will not sell unless it reaches the reserve price set by the seller. This price is not known by the bidder. In a no reserve auction the item will sell by the highest amount bid on the item this is known as a true auction.
Item name Amount of item being sold Price of Items.