There are 21 dots on a standard dice
21 dots on 1 dice 21 dots
42 dots on a pair dice
The total number of dots on two dice - is 42.
A regular cubical dice has 21 dots. 1+2+3+4+5+6=21
Since the numbers (number of dots) on normal dice only go from 1 - 6, then I would think the probability of getting the number 100 is zero.
As the maximum value of the dots on the face of a traditional dice is 6 the probability of throwing A die with the value of less than 7 is 100%.
There are 21 dots on a standard dice
21 dots on 1 dice 21 dots
42 dots on a pair dice
The total number of dots on two dice - is 42.
Prob = 4/36 = 1/9
A pair of dice has a totla of 42 dots, 21 on each die.
They are Spanish Poker Dice
1in 6 chance