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Q: What is the probability that x is greater than 0?
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Are fractions and probability the same?

NO, but that is a great question since probability is often expressed as a fraction. Here is the difference. If P(x) is the probability that even x happens, this value must be between 0 and 1. So fractions such as 1/2 or 2/1112 are all fine. Many fractions, such as 4/3 cannot be a probability since they are greater than one. Similarly, -1/2 cannot be a probability value since it is less than 0/

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When is the square root of x greater than zero?

√x > 0 when x > 0, that is when x is a positive number.

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f(x) = (x)^ (1/2) (i.e. the square root of x)

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When the limit of x approaches 0 the degree on n is greater than 0.

What are the 3 different ways you can write probability?

If the probability of an event x happening is P(x) where P(x) must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1, P(x) can be written as: 1. A decimal, for example P(x)=.5 2. A fraction, for example P(x)=1/2 3. A percent, for example, P(X)=50%.

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x2-5x = 0 x(x-5) = 0 x = 0 or x = 5

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How do you write x is a nonnegative number?

x > 0 x is greater than zero.

What does in between means for inequality?

It means that something is greater than some number, and smaller than some other number. For example, the solution of an inequality might state that "x" is greater than 0, and that "x" is also less than 10, in symbols: x > 0 and x < 10 Which can be written in shorthand notation as: 0 < x < 10 Note that instead of "less than" and "greater than", you might also use "less-than-or-equal" and "greater-than-or-equal", or some combination. For example: 0 < x <= 10

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the answer would be yo mama