There are two ways of answering this.Check the number for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.For large numbers, the check can be restricted to the number formed by the last six digits.
Remainder 8, quotient 0.
64 / 78: quotient = 0, remainder = 64
64 & 8
The quotient is 4
n = x/64 + 48
8, 8x8=64 so yes 8 can go into 64 a total of 8 times
There are two ways of answering this.Check the number for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.Check the quotient for divisibility by 2.For large numbers, the check can be restricted to the number formed by the last six digits.
Remainder 8, quotient 0.