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'Range' is the difference between the lowest datum and the highest. When dealing with a set of data, it is often convenient to first arrange the datum from lowest to highest: 149, 247, 327, 470, 498, 562, 568 The range is 568 minus 149, or 419.

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Q: What is the range of the following set of numbers 247 562 498 149 568 327 and 470?
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What is the range of the following set of numbers 247 562 498 149 568327 and 470?

u have to solve it urself! this is now u stupid cuz u trying get the answers! DO IT URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What numbers are divisible by 247?

247, 494 (=247*2), 741 (=247*3) etc.

What numbers go into 247?

1, 13, 19 and 247.

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There are no two numbers between 10 and 20 with a product of 247.

What Numbers 247 lie between?

The whole number of 247 is between the whole numbers of 246 and 248

What numbers minus 247 equals 429?

It is: 676-247 = 429

What numbers can be divided evenly into 247?

1 13 19 247.

Is 247 a prime or a composite?

The two prime numbers 13*19=247

What two numbers have a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?

247 + 398 = 645398 - 247 = 151Therefore the two numbers which add together to make 645 and have a difference of 151 are 247 and 398.

What two prime numbers add up to 247?

All of the prime numbers (except 2) are odd. The sum of any two prime numbers (except 2) will be even. Unless 245 is a prime number (it isn't) your question does not have a solution.

What 2 numbers have a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?

645 - 151 = 494 494 / 2 = 247 247 + 151 = 398 Which means: 398 + 247 = 645 and 398 - 247 = 151

What two prime numbers equal 741 when multiplied?

741 results from the following multiplications of two numbers: 1 * 741 (1 is not prime) 3 * 247 (247 is not prime) 13 * 57 (57 is not prime) 19 * 39 (39 is not prime) There are no two prime numbers that when multiplied equal 741. 3 * 13 * 19 equals 741, and all three of those numbers are prime.