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If you have two items using different units of measurement, you must first convert to the same type in to percentage. Then, you can compare the ratio,

It is called coefficient of variability. For example if you want to compare length with weight of two variables or populations, then first convert the measurements in percentage and then go for comparision.

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Q: What is the ratio of two measurements having different units of measurement?
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What is a ratio of two measurements having different units?

Usually such ratios have a specific name. For example, the ratio of a mass measurement (g) over a volume measurement (mL) is called density. The result is a number with the unit g/mL. Most cases that have different units will have a specific name if they're commonly used. Other examples include molarity, molality, joules, newtons, and ppm.

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It is the conversion factor between the measurement units.

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What a ratio of two measurements with different units?


A ratio of two measurements having different units?

If the two measurements are of the same type, such as length, we could use that ratio to convert from one measurements to another. An example is the ratio of 1.609 Km to 1 mile. Here, we can multiply some number of miles by 1.609 and find the kilometer distance. If the two measurements are of different types, that is often used as a definition of another quantity such as speed. Speed is defined as the ratio of the distance traveled to the amount of time it takes. These two examples are the most common uses when taking the ratio of two measurements, yet there may be a more generalized term or theorem here, but I've not heard of it yet.

When the ratio compares in two measurements with different unit it is called?

conversion factor

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It is a ratio scale of measurement.

Which ratio of your body measurements fits the Golden Ratio?

None. There are some measurements which, in some people, are approximately equal to the Golden Ratio but those same measurements, for other people, are not.

What is the ratio of two measurements with different units?

Ration does not have units. You have to convert one of them to the same units and then work it out. For example: what is the ratio of 4m to 200cm ? This is the same as: 4m to 2m - so the answer is 2 to 1. (400cm to 200cm gives the same answer.)

What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor