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Q: What is the result of subtracting 2 from its opposite?
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What is the result of subtracting 2 numbers?

The result of subtracting 2 numbers is the difference.

Why does subtracting a number give the same result as adding its opposite?

adding its opposite?

What is the opposite of sum in math?

Difference. A sum is the result of adding two numbers, and a difference is the result of subtracting two numbers.

What does opposite mean in maths?

Adding is the opposite of subtracting

Why is it that when subtracting an integer gives the same result as adding the opposite?

Because of the definition of addition and subtraction. When looking at a real number line: when you add you move to the left or up, when you add the opposite of a number you move in the opposite direction.

The result of subtracting two numbers is known as?

The result of subtracting two numbers is known as difference the quotient

Why you add an integer's opposite when you are subtracting integers?

Because that is how the opposite of a number is defined.

What do you get when you subtract a positive from a positive?

Depends. If you are subtracting a bigger number from a smaller number, such as 3 - 5, you will get a negative result, -2. If you are subtracting a smaller number from a bigger number, such as 12 - 3 you will get a positive result, 9.

What is meant by adding the opposite when subtracting expressions?

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How you determine a difference when subtracting two integers.?

The difference is the result. 9 - 7 = 2 The difference between 9 and 7 is 2.

What rules subtracting integers?

Example 1:+5 - +2Step 1:The opposite of +2 is -2.Step 2:Subtraction becomes addition.Solution:+5 - +2 = +5 + -2 = +3

What is rule subtracting integers?

Example 1:+5 - +2Step 1:The opposite of +2 is -2.Step 2:Subtraction becomes addition.Solution:+5 - +2 = +5 + -2 = +3