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The simplest of infinitely many possible solutions, is y = x2

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Q: What is the rule for input X -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 and output Y 4 1 0 1 4 9 16?
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What is the rule if the input x 4 output y 0?

There are infinitely many possible answers. y = x - 4 y = x*0 y = x2 - 16 y = |sqrt(x)| - 2 that's 4 of them.

What is a not gate in electronics?

A not gate is a logical gate which inverts a digital signal. If the input to a not gate is 1, then the output will be 0. If the input is 0, then the output will be 1.

Is if the output of the systemis 0 for 0 input it means the system is linear?

No, it does not necessarily mean that the system is linear. A linear system will exhibit a constant scaling property, which means that if the input is multiplied by a constant, the output will also be multiplied by the same constant. It is possible for a system to have an output of zero for a zero input, but still be non-linear if it does not exhibit the scaling property.

What is the difference between OR gate and NOR gate?

In AND gate , if through both the terminals minimum values were send then the output will be 0 . if either one of the input is maximum , then the output will be 0 , meanwhile if both the input were 1 then the output will be 1 .In OR gate , if both the input are 0 then the output will be 0, but if either the input is 1 then the output will be 1,when both the inputs are 1 then the output will be 1 .

Why is the and gate called the and gate?

Because if input A *and* input B is true, then the output is true! Truth table of AND gate: ┌─┬─╥───────┐ │A│B║Q (Output)│ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │0│0║0..............│ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │0│1║0............. │ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │1│0║0............. │ ├─┼─╫───────┤ │1│1║1............. │ └─┴─╨───────┘

Which is not a gate?

Its truth table is: input output 0 1 1 0

What is the truth table of a inverter?

Input Output 0 1 1 0

What is input output and error in Linux?

0 1 2

Write a C program to implement relocatable loader?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct object_code { int locctr; char add[10]; }obcode[300]; void main() { char input[100][16],output[100][16],binary[20],address[20],stloc[10]; int len,bitmask,loc,tlen=0,tloc,textloc,i=0,location,j,k,count=0,start,n,num=0,inc=0; FILE *fp1,*fp2; clrscr(); fp1=fopen("linput.dat","r"); fp2=fopen("reloadout.dat","w"); printf("Enter the location where the program has to be loaded:"); scanf("%s",stloc); start=atoi(stloc); location=start; tloc=start; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); while(strcmp(input[i],"T")!=0) { strcpy(output[i],input[i]); i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); strcpy(output[i],input[i]); } itoa(start,output[2],10); while(strcmp(input[i],"E")!=0) { strcpy(output[i],input[i]); if(strcmp(input[i],"T")==0) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); strcpy(output[i],input[i]); } bitmask=atoi(output[i]); itoa(bitmask,binary,2); strcpy(output[i],NULL); textloc=atoi(output[i-2]); textloc=textloc+start; itoa(textloc,output[i-2],10); for(n=0;n<(textloc-(tloc+tlen));n++) { strcpy(obcode[inc].add,"xx"); obcode[inc++].locctr=location++; } tlen=atoi(output[i-1]); tloc=textloc; k=0; } else { if(binary[k]==1) { num=0; len=strlen(output[i]); strcpy(address,NULL); for(j=2;j<len;j++) { address[num]=output[i][j]; output[i][j]='\0'; num++; } loc=atoi(address); loc=loc+start; itoa(loc,address,10); strcat(output[i],address); } k++; len=strlen(output[i]); num=0; for(n=0;n<len;n++) { obcode[inc].add[num++]=output[i][n]; if(num>1) { obcode[inc++].locctr=location++; num=0; } } } i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); } strcpy(output[i],input[i]); i++; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input[i]); loc=atoi(input[i]); loc=loc+start; strcpy(output[i],itoa(loc,address,10)); count=0; i=0; n=0; fprintf(fp2,"%d\t",obcode[n].locctr); for(n=0;n<inc;n++) { fprintf(fp2,"%s",obcode[n].add); i++; if(i>3) { fprintf(fp2,"\t"); i=0; count++; } if(count>3) { fprintf(fp2,"\n%d\t",obcode[n+1].locctr); count=0; } } getch(); }

What happens to the decoder's output if G1 is grounded?

if G1 is the output the output is 0. If G1 is the input then you must follow the logic to determine the output.

Truth table for 3 input xnor gate?

A, B and C are inputs, Q is output.A B C Q0 0 0 10 0 1 00 1 0 00 1 1 11 0 0 01 0 1 11 1 0 11 1 1 0*update*Although the Logism software shows the 3 input XNOR gate output 1 when all 3 are 1, perhaps there is a mistake, and 3 input of 1,1,1 in an XNOR gateoutputs 0. There is a good reason why. In an XOR gate, an even amount of 1 or 0 input will output a 0, and an odd input of 1 (ie: 1, 1, 1) will output a 1. The truth tablefor an XOR gate with 1, 1, 1 input is an output of 1. An XNOR gate will output the opposite of an XOR gate, thus XNOR input of1, 1, 1 should output 0.

What is ic 74150?

It is a data selector. There are 16 digital input lines, 4-bit decoder, strobe and output pin. So you put a 4-bit binary number from 0-15 into ABCD bits and the corresponding input value is found on output at the strobe time.