3 divide by 660 = 0.004545454545454545
In any division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the number 12 is the dividend. The number 3 is the divisor, while the answer, 4, is the quotient.
Rule: If it is divisible by 2 and by 3Numbers are divisible by 6 if they are divisible by 3 and 2. Therefore, for example, since 18 is divisible by 3 and 2, it is also divisible by 6.The divisibility rule for 6 is, it can go into the number if 2 and 3 can also.
Multiply by 3 !
Divide 7 by 3, using integer division. Write the result (which must be an integer) as the whole number. Write the remainder as the numerator, over the number 3 which is the denominator.
3 divide by 660 = 0.004545454545454545
The answer depends on which number is missing. Even if the location of the gap is know, there are infinitely many possible solutions. The solutions listed below are polynomials of the lowest degree. First: 5 using the rule Un = (-4n3 + 48n2 - 128n + 99)/3 Second: 0 using the rule Un = (-7n3 + 84n2 - 209n + 138)/6 Third: 21.666 (recurring) using the rule Un = (3n3 - 23n2 + 84n - 61)/3 Fourth: 50 using the rule Un = (-11n3 + 90n2 - 121n + 48)/6 Fifth: 65 using the rule Un = (-4n3 + 36n2 - 44n + 15)/3
30+30+14 divided by 2=37
In any division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the number 12 is the dividend. The number 3 is the divisor, while the answer, 4, is the quotient.
3 divided by 4 = 3/4