

Best Answer

the rhombicuboctahedron

(posted by SUPER GEEK the girl)

* * * * *

Sadly, the wrong answer. All you need to do is cut one vertex off and you increase the number of sides by 1. Since you can always increase the number of sides by cutting off a vertex, there cannot be a shape with the most sides.

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Q: What is the shape with the most sides?
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Shape with the most sides?

the shape with the most sides is unknown

What is the most sides a 3D shape can have?

A 3d shape can have infinite sides

What is the name of the shape has the most sides?

There is no such thing as the shape with the 'most' sides. No matter how many sides you draw a shape with, somebody else can easily come along and draw a shape with one or two or fifty more sides. The more sides a shape has, the more it gets to look like a circle.

Which shape has the most sides?


What shape has most sides?

There is no "most" with respect to polygons. You could make a shape with a million sides, and then make a new shape with a million and one, and keep going forever.

What shape has the most possible sides?

A circle as it has infinite number of sides

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a sopidocihedron

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A hexagon has six sides, while a pentagon has five sides, so a hexagon has the most sides.

What is the most sides in a shape?

How many sides does a circle have? Infinite So the answer is Infinite

Which shape has the most sides Hexagon PentagonOctagon?

An octagon.

What shape has the most sides?

You cannot answer this with a normal shape. Any shape given would have less an infinite sides. The exception to this would BE the shape with infinite sides and therefore by the same token, an infinite perimeter. So, the answer would be a "Fractal"

What is the shape of a potato or its textures?

It's like an oblong with weird sides.....It kind of has sides. most of them has