The bifurcation ration is the relationship between the number of steams of one order an those of the next highest order. It is calculated by dividing the number of streams in one order by the number in the next order. For example , in a basin :
N1/N2 = (number of the first order streams / number of second order streams) = 20/4 = 5
N2/N3 = (number of the second order streams / number of third order streams) = 4/2 = 2
N3/N4 = (number of the third order streams / number of fourth order streams) = 2/1 = 2
then, by finding the mean of each rations in the basin being studied :
(5 + 2 + 2)/3 = 3 = bifurcation ration for this basin.
*** the significance of this ratio is that as the ration is reduced so the risk of flooding within the basin increases. it also indicates the flood risk for parts of the basin.
The golden ratio (or Phi) is a ratio that is very commonly found in nature. For instance, some seashells follow a spiraling path at the golden ratio.
REYNOLDS NUMBER:It gives measure of ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces & it is a dimensionless quatity.Physical significance:1.It signifies the relative predominance of inetia to viscous forces.2.It is very useful in determining whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.
12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.
The ratio of all lengths is the same. The ratio of the circumferences = ratio of the radii = 2:3
ratio of volumes is the cube of the ratio of lengths radii (lengths) in ratio 3 : 4 → volume in ratio 3³ : 4³ = 27 : 64
Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) = ΣN / ΣN + 1 ΣN = Total number of stream of a particular order. ΣN + 1 = Total number of stream of a next higher order.
Rb1 = 9/3 Rb2 = 3/1
You add the number of streams that branch off the main stream which is the first order then you add the number of streams branching off that stream whih becomes the 2nd order and the sum of the no. of stream orders divided by the number of streams gives the bifurcation ratio.
You add the number of streams that branch off the main stream which is the first order then you add the number of streams branching off that stream whih becomes the 2nd order and the sum of the no. of stream orders divided by the number of streams gives the bifurcation ratio.
what quadrant is the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta in
you will be rich
The right coronary artery doesnot have a primary bifurcation.
I think this word is bifurcation .Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.
The root word for bifurcation is "bi-", which means two, and "furc-", which means fork or branch. "Bifurcation" literally means to divide into two branches or forks.
Blood moves toward bifurcation coming off of arteries.
There is no such thing as "difurcation". Please check the spelling, and ask another question, clarifying whether you mean "bifurcation", "difraction", or perhaps something entirely different.