sin 10° = 0.17364817766693 Source:
sine-1(0.3420201433) = 20 degrees
The sine of 22.5 degrees is 0.383
General answer: Math Specific Answer: Taylor Series
frequency of 10 hertz
The sine of 75 degrees is about 0.9659
It's not. The sine of 32 degrees is approximately 0.53. The sine of 59 degrees is approximately 0.86. For a definition of sine, see: .
sine-1(0.3420201433) = 20 degrees
The sine of 22.5 degrees is 0.383
sine 10. Use the cofunction with the complementary angle.
sin77 = 0.974 Therefore the sine of 77 degrees is 0.974
The sine of 52.5 degrees equals 0.79335334029124. Hope I helped!
sine 40° = 0.642788
sine(15 degrees) = 0.25882 (rounded)
Sine(30) = 0.5 or 1/2
Sin(10)*12 = 12*sin(10) = 12*0.1736 = 2.0838, approx.
Sine of 225 degrees = - 0.5 sqrt(2)