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frequency of 10 hertz

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Q: If 100 cycles of sine wave in 10 sec. the sine would have a?
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How long does it take a 10 kHz sine wave to complete 100 cycles?

10kHz = 10,000 s^-1 This means that the wave makes 10,000 ( ten thousand ) cycles in 1 second. So 100 cycles is made in 100/10000 s 1/100 s or 0.01 s. NB remember k = kilo ( or one thousand) The S.I. unit for Hertz (Hz) is 'per second/ s^-1)

Fourier series of sine wave?

The fourier series of a sine wave is 100% fundamental, 0% any harmonics.

What is the period for a 100-GHz sine wave?

1 divided by 100,000,000.00 in sec

What is the frequency in vibrations per second of a 100 Hz wave?

A 100 Hz wave has a frequency of 100 vibrations per second. This means that the wave completes 100 back-and-forth movements in one second.

Which signal has a wider bandwidth a sine wave with a frequency of 100 hz or a sine wave with a frequency of 200 hz?

The signal that changes at a higher rate occupies greater bandwidth.

A sine wave with an RMS value of 100 v would have a peak value of?

For a sine wave ONLY - and assuming you are talking plus and minus 100V (200V peak to peak) - the RMS voltage is about 71V. (One half square root of 2 * single sided peak value)

If a period of a wave is 0.010 second its frequency is?

Frequency = reciprocal of period = 1 / 0.01 = 100per second = approximately 100 Hertz = roughly 100 cycles

What size of inverter do you need to run a mini refrigerator or a typical bar refrigerator?

for modified sine wave inverter (most common type, if it doesn't say than it's modified sine) a safe bet would be the 1,000 watt inverters or higher because the mini fridge will surge 3-5 times its continuous rated wattage for anywhere from 1-10 seconds. so although your fridge only needs 90-150 watts to run it might burn out an inverter say in the 150-300 watt range. a modified sine wave 1,000 watt inverter is about $65-100. you are supposed to buy pure sine wave inverters for a fridge, but those are expensive. you do run the risk of ruining the fridge faster if you do not run pure sine wave , however.

What is the period of a 10 KHz sine wave?

Period = (1/frequency) = 1/104 = 10-4 = 0.0001 second = 0.1 millisec = 100 micro sec.

What is meant by frequency of 0.1 khz?

It means that the wave (or Object) in reference is repeating itself with the rate of 100 Cycles (or times) per second.

Sinusoidal pwm generation using modulation index?

Not sure what type of modulation you are looking for, but there are two that can be manipulated, either individually or in conjunction:Frequency modulation index refers to the relation between the sine wave frequency (sine_freq) and the triangle (or saw-tooth) wave frequency (triang_freq).The frequency modulation index is equal to ((triang_freq)/(sine_freq)).Amplitude modulation index refers to the relation between the sine wave amplitude (sine_amp) and the triangle (or saw-tooth) wave amplitude (triang_amp).The amplitude modulation index is equal to ((sine_amp)/(triang_amp)).Varying the modulation index (normally by varying the frequency or amplitude of the triangle wave form) changes that respective modulation index.From personal experience, an appropriate amplitude modulation index for an SPWM waveform should be around 0.8(that is, if the triangle has an amplitude of 10, the sine would have an amplitude of 8). This index should never be equal to 1 (one); it should always be less. A.K.A.: the triangle-wave amplitude should always be greater than the sine-wave.On the other hand, a triangle-wave frequency much greaterthan the sine-wave frequency makes an SPWM that in turn generates a "cleaner" synthesized sine-wave in the H-bridge you are probably using. Try different freq. modulation indexes, but an index of at least 10 should be used (preferably somewhere around 100 if you want a good SPWM). That is, if the sine-wave frequency is 60 Hz, the triangle-wave frequency should be above 600, preferably 6,000 or more. Complications in the filter design in the "output" of the H-bridge will vary greatly when playing around with the frequency modulation index. That being said, keeping the amplitude modulation index at a static 0.8, and playing around with the triangle-wave frequency should be your best bet.

A technician uses an oscilloscope to measure the peak value of an AC wave He tells you that the voltage has a peak value of 100 v What is the rms value of the voltage?

you take the peak voltage and divide it by the square root of 2 100/1.414= 70.7 volts rms This is true only for sine wave. For other waveforms like a triangle signal it is different.