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y >= -3 + x

This is the same as

y>= x-3

Start off by sketching the regular graph of y=x-3 (should look the same as the graph of y=x but shifted down 3 places so that the y intercept is at the point (0,-3)).

Now just shade the half of the graph where y is greater (so shade in the positive direction for y above the graph of the line).

In the end you should have the graph of a diagonal line shaded over the top.

***Note: You will draw your graph with a solid line because because the question says GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO. If you ever get a graph that is strictly greater than or strictly less than, instead of drawing a solid line, draw a dotted line, to show that you're not including the values where y is equal to your function.

If you get y> shade in the positive y direction and use a dotted line

.................y< shade in the negative y direction and use a dotted line

.................y>= shade in the positive y direction and use a solid line

.................y<= shade in the negative y direction and use a solid line

It's the same for the graphs that have x> or < or whatever. Just replace the y's in the directions above with x's.

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