There is no complete answer because a fraction can always be reduced sot there is no smallest fraction.
Various methods: * Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then order by smallest numerator to largest; * Convert the fractions to [approximate] decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators; then order by the smallest decimal to largest; * Divide the denominators by the numerators; then order by the largest result to the smallest. In all cases list the original fractions.
All fractions with a numerator (top number) of 1 are in simplest form because 1 is the smallest whole number there is and cannot be divided into anything smaller and still be a whole number.
As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
This is kind of difficult to explain in one post, but I'll give it a shot. Pretend you have a group of fractions: 1/4, 2/8, 1/2 To organize the fractions from smallest to greatest, you first have to make them all the same denominator. The denominator is the number at the bottom of a fraction. You can make all the fractions have the same denominator by multiplying the top, by the same amount you multiply the denominator (multiply the denominator into the smallest number that can be divided into every fraction's denominator) Like this. 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2.. The number that all the denominators can divide into is 8. So, to make the fractions have the denominator of 8, you have to multiply the denominator with a number that will make it 8. However, when you multiply the bottom, you must also do it to the top. It looks like this: 1x2/4x2, 3x1/8x1, 1x4/2x4 After you calculate that, it will look like this: 2/8, 3/8, 4/8. After they are all the same denominator, just order them from lowest to greatest by how big the top number is. That will look like: 2/8, 3/8, 4/8. This is because 2 is the smallest, then it's 3, then its 4. I hope that helped you understand. Another method (easier) Convert the fractions into decimals. You can use a calculator. This will allow you to sort them from smallest to largest just by comparing their decimal conversions or approximations.Example: 1/4 = .250, 3/8 = .375, 1/2 = .500. This lets you compare the fractions by comparing their relative amounts. Comparing fractions with different denominators is like comparing apples and grapes.
No. The smallest common denominator is 6 .
Various methods: * Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then order by smallest numerator to largest; * Convert the fractions to [approximate] decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators; then order by the smallest decimal to largest; * Divide the denominators by the numerators; then order by the largest result to the smallest. In all cases list the original fractions.
Fractions come in all sizes. 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = 4/8 The smallest of these is known as the simplest form.
1720, 910, 35 and 34 are all integers, not fractions.
Usually they are ordered from smallest to largest.
All fractions with a numerator (top number) of 1 are in simplest form because 1 is the smallest whole number there is and cannot be divided into anything smaller and still be a whole number.
As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
Just do what u think and it will be right
A common denominator. The best way is to find the LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of all the denominators - the smallest number into which all the denominators will divide. (The easiest way to do this is to multiply all the different denominators together. Once this common denominator has been found, convert all the fractions into equivalent fractions with this new denominator.
There is only one unit of measure for current: the ampere. All currents are measured in amps or fractions of amps or their equivalent.
What fractions are you referring to.
Put the biggest first, the next biggest next... and the smallest last. You may want to convert them all to a common denominator and then order them by numerator wioth the largest first and the smallest last.