Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over a long period of . And the North and South Poles are cold because the Sun's light and heat are least direct there.
The answer is no its on every day but the earth rotates and wherever the the sun is shining that the place theres sun
Suppose the length of the shadow is s metres. Then tan(62 deg) = 45/S so that S = 45/tan(62 deg) = 45/1.88 (approx = 23.93 metres, approx.
No. The sun is a circle not square. It is round, what you can call spherical.
The diameter of the sun is approximately 1.4 million kilometers. If we want to express a fraction of the sun's diameter, we would need to specify the numerator (the part we are interested in) and the denominator (the total diameter of the sun). For example, if we were interested in one-tenth of the sun's diameter, the fraction would be 1/10, which would equate to 140,000 kilometers.
The integers are 6, 8 and 10.
Of the eight (or nine) planets so far known to orbit the sun, Saturn is the one whose average orbital distance from the sun is the sixth smallest.
Our Sun is an average star and it has an approximate lifespan of
Callisto's average distance from the sun is about 1,882,700,000 kilometers. It is the second farthest of Jupiter's four largest moons.
The four planets whose orbits are nearest the sun are all rocky planets. They include Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
No planet has been discovered yet whose average distance from the sunis smaller than that of Mercury.Mercury and Venus both orbit closer to the sun than Earth does.
The four outer planets from the sun, in order of distance, are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Their average distances from the sun are approximately 484 million miles (Jupiter), 886 million miles (Saturn), 1.78 billion miles (Uranus), and 2.8 billion miles (Neptune).
The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are relatively close to the sun compared to the outer planets. Mercury is the closest at an average distance of about 36 million miles (58 million kilometers), while Mars is the farthest of the inner planets at an average distance of about 142 million miles (228 million kilometers).
it is the moon average 5,000 miles andkil from sun
THe God of sun
on average venus is 108,208,000 km from the sun
the sun is smaller than average I think