Technically, yes. One thousand can be abbreviated as 'k' so 1000k would be 1 million. 5k would be five thousand, 125k would be one hundred and twenty-five thousand and so on. However the symbol for one million is M so the number 1,000,000 would more appropriately be abbreviated as 1M.
2,000/ two thousand
The "more than" symbol is the > symbol. The "less than" symbol is the < symbol.
thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
The symbol for one thousand grams is "kg" which stands for kilograms.
In Roman Numerals one thousand is written as M.
If it's Roman Numerals then the symbol is M
it is "M"
1 k
It is a kilometre, with symbol km.
K is normally the symbol for thousand, so 1.3k would be 1300.
It is the number of tens modulo one thousand.