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Old math teachers never die they just reduce to lowest terms

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Q: What is the thing about math teachers that says never say die?
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Can you trust a math teacher?

You can trust most teachers, including math teachers, when they are talking about their subject matter. However, due to a shortage of high school and middle school math teachers, sometimes poorly qualified teachers are pushed into teaching math. There is almost certainly one math teacher that is the department head or otherwise known as reliable. If your teacher says something about math that you do not believe is true and if you talk to them about it and they can not explain their answer , go to this reliable teacher with your question. Concerning topics outside their subject, if you have a sensitive personal problem, you might be better to go to a guidance counselor. These people are trained to know what to do and you can trust them as much as you can trust anyone you do not know well. If your math teacher or other teacher gives out random advice or opinions on subjects outside of math, remember that teachers are human and can have controversial opinions that should not be blindly accepted, even if they are dedicated to serving young people. Be respectful but don't believe everything you hear.

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One says "that kind of thing" or "those kinds of thing." Never say "those kind."

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There never was such thing as hero's and there never will be. you may say something like '' He is my Hero '' but that's only for the person who says it.

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yes couse she didnt went to school or some thing she was so poor that's why she act bad to get more money poor miley poor miley

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Math is sometimes difficult because it has a lot steps to follow, even i have trouble sometimes, but as everyone says its there for a reason! It isn't for ALL people i have trouble but i know people who are great at math and never have problems

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the last thing Crooks says to Candy is never mind about him doing the hoein and the odd job's says he was foolin and wouldn't want to go no place like that. Although if he really meant what he said is not completely directed

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The character who says "WA WA WA" in the Peanuts comics is Snoopy, when pretending to be a World War I Flying Ace.

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He says alot,but the thing Bella remembers most is "It will be as if I never existed."

What does it mean in math when it says what is the total?

When a math question asks for the total, it is looking for the sum as an answer.

What do you do in math when it says how much less?
