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It is in the ten millions position, but is worth zero.

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Q: What is the value 0 in the given digit in 409315786?
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What to do to write a c program to input a number then a digit and findout the place value of that digit?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int d,j=1,i,flag=0,count=0,k=0; int b[]; char a[],c; printf("enter the number="); scanf("%s",a); printf("enter the digit="); scanf("%c",&c); printf("the place value of given digit is:"); for(i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) { if(a[i]==c) { b[k]==a[i]-'0'; b[k]=b[k]=*j; flag=1; count++; k++; } j=j*10; } if(flag==1) { printf("the place value of given digit %c is:",c); for(i=0;i<count;i++) printf("\n%d",b[i]); } else printf("your entered digit is not present in number"); return 0; }

List the digit that has the given place value for the number 245.17086 thousandthd ten thousandths tenths?

245.17086 Digit in thousandths place is 0 Digit in ten thousandths place is 8 Digit in tenths place is 1

What is the value of the hundreds digit in 3084?

It is 0.

What digit has the least value in 405.871?

The 0, in the tens' place has a value of 0. The digit 1 is in the thousandths' place - a much smaller place value but, its value is 1 times a thousandth, which is bigger than 0.

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The value is 0 as there are no digits underlined.

Which digit has the least value in 456802?

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What digit represents the hundreds place of the number 1098?

It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.

What are the advantages of Hindu-Arabic?

it includes 0, is a positional system (where the position of the digit gives it value), and is decimal (all values can be given using ten different symbols)

Is 0 considered a digit in 015?

In most cases it would not be considered a digit; the 0 is not needed before the 15 unless it is a decimal value, such as 0.15.