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It is in the ten millions position, but is worth zero.

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Q: What is the value 0 in the given digit in 409315786?
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What to do to write a c program to input a number then a digit and findout the place value of that digit?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int d,j=1,i,flag=0,count=0,k=0; int b[]; char a[],c; printf("enter the number="); scanf("%s",a); printf("enter the digit="); scanf("%c",&c); printf("the place value of given digit is:"); for(i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) { if(a[i]==c) { b[k]==a[i]-'0'; b[k]=b[k]=*j; flag=1; count++; k++; } j=j*10; } if(flag==1) { printf("the place value of given digit %c is:",c); for(i=0;i<count;i++) printf("\n%d",b[i]); } else printf("your entered digit is not present in number"); return 0; }

List the digit that has the given place value for the number 245.17086 thousandthd ten thousandths tenths?

245.17086 Digit in thousandths place is 0 Digit in ten thousandths place is 8 Digit in tenths place is 1

What is the value of the hundreds digit in 3084?

It is 0.

What digit has the least value in 405.871?

The 0, in the tens' place has a value of 0. The digit 1 is in the thousandths' place - a much smaller place value but, its value is 1 times a thousandth, which is bigger than 0.

What is the value of the underlined digit in 186234009?

The value is 0 as there are no digits underlined.

What is the place value of the digit 0 in the number 709?


What digit represents the hundreds place of the number 1098?

It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.

What are the advantages of Hindu-Arabic?

it includes 0, is a positional system (where the position of the digit gives it value), and is decimal (all values can be given using ten different symbols)

Is 0 considered a digit in 015?

In most cases it would not be considered a digit; the 0 is not needed before the 15 unless it is a decimal value, such as 0.15.

In 9078 what is the value of the digit 0?

Its value is zero because it means that there are no hundreds in the positional place value of 9078.