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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "divided by", "equals".

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Q: What is the value of 25 - a2 7a when a 2?
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If a 4 and b 2 find the value of 7a and minus 2b plus 1.?

It is: (7*4)-(2*2)+1 = 25

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(a2 + 5a + 6)/(a - 2) = (a + 2)*(a 3)/(a - 2) which cannot be simplified further. It can, however be written as (a2 - 2a + 7a - 14 + 20)/(a - 2) which is (a + 7) + 20/(a - 2)

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The discriminant is b^2-4ac. So, b=7, a=2, and c=3. 7^2=49-4(2)(3)=49-24=25. So the discriminant is 25.

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a2-36=0 2a=36 a=36/2 a=18 Hence, the required value is a is 18.

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Pythagorean Theorem: a2+b2=c2. So if the length is 4cm and the width is 3cm: a2+b2=c2 (3)2+(4)2=(5)2 9+16=25 25=25 Therefore, the diagonal would be 5cm.

How do you write code in visual basic to find data in a cell and return data from a cell next to it the range will change depending on the criteria entered?

It is not clear exactly what you would like to do, but try something like this in your worksheet code module: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address <> "$A$2" Then Exit Sub If Range("A2").Value > 0 Then Range("A2").Value = Range("A2").Value + Range("B2").Value Else Range("A2").ClearContents End If End Sub The value of A2 will update with =A2+B2 every time you change the value in A2.

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sqrt(a2 + a2) = sqrt(2a2) = sqrt(2)*sqrt(a2) = sqrt(2)*asqrt(a2 + a2) = sqrt(2a2) = sqrt(2)*sqrt(a2) = sqrt(2)*asqrt(a2 + a2) = sqrt(2a2) = sqrt(2)*sqrt(a2) = sqrt(2)*asqrt(a2 + a2) = sqrt(2a2) = sqrt(2)*sqrt(a2) = sqrt(2)*a

Simplify a plus 3a-2 plus 3a?

a + 3a - 2 + 3a. Add the a + 3a + 3a = 7a. You can't combine the -2 & 7a so the solution is: 7a - 2.

What is the square function in Excel?

The square root function is SQRT, like this:=SQRT(value)To square a number, either multiply it by itself, using the POWER function or the power operator. If you had a value in cell A2, all of the following would do the same thing:=A2*A2=POWER(A2,2)=A2^2

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The forward slash (/) is the division symbol in Excel. =A1/A2 divides the value of cell A1 by the value of cell A2.

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2 a2 is a monomial, not a binomial but 2 + a2 is a binomial, so is 2 - a2 .