Well, darling, in the number 430, the value of 3 is 30. It's sitting pretty in the tens place, minding its own business. So, 3 in 430 is worth 30, not a penny more, not a penny less.
430 / 5 - 5 * 3 + 1 + 4 = 430/5 - 5*3 + 1 + 4 = 86 - 15 + 1 + 4 = 76
(400 + 200) - 30 = 570
It is 430 gms per 20 cu.cm, which is generally reduced to 430/25 gm per 1 cu.cm, or 17.2 g/cm3 .
A percent is a measure of the amount compared to the total.4.3 is a value, not a percent. In order to make 4.3 into a percentage you would have to compare 4.3 to the whole value.If you reached into your pocket and took out $4.3 out of a total of $10 in your pocket you would be taking:4.3/10 = .43/1 = 43%.If you're comparing 4.3 to 100,4.3/100 = .043/1 = 4.3%Of course, if you're comparing 4.3 to units and you assume that one unit equals 100%:1 = 100%4.3 = 430%
"430 5" is not an equation and it does not have an unknown value. So there can be no equation which has the same unknown value.
No. 430 is not evenly divisible by three.
430 / 5 - 5 * 3 + 1 + 4 = 430/5 - 5*3 + 1 + 4 = 86 - 15 + 1 + 4 = 76
3 x 4.3 = 12.9
the value of a 59 topps whitey ford is 320$
430 = (4 x 100) + (3 x 10) + (0 x 1)
430/9 leaves a remainder of 4+3+0 = 7 [only works for division by 9].430/9 leaves a remainder of 4+3+0 = 7 [only works for division by 9].430/9 leaves a remainder of 4+3+0 = 7 [only works for division by 9].430/9 leaves a remainder of 4+3+0 = 7 [only works for division by 9].
It is 3:45.