Its face value is 6 but its place value is 6000
6 is in the thousands' place so its value is 6000.
In the number 56025, the value of the digit 6 is 6000. This is because the digit 6 is in the thousands place, which represents 6000. Each place value in a number is a power of 10, so the thousands place is 10^3, which equals 1000. Multiplying 6 by 1000 gives us 6000.
Its face value is 6 but its place value is 6000
In the number 68345, the value of the 6 is 6000. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place in the number. In this case, the 6 is in the thousands place, so its value is 6 x 1000 = 6000.
6 is in the thousands' place so its value is 6000.
In the number 56025, the value of the digit 6 is 6000. This is because the digit 6 is in the thousands place, which represents 6000. Each place value in a number is a power of 10, so the thousands place is 10^3, which equals 1000. Multiplying 6 by 1000 gives us 6000.
6000, or six thousand
The 6 represents 600
In the number 146027, the value of the digit 6 is 600. This is because the digit 6 is in the hundreds place, which represents 6 hundreds or 600. The place value of a digit in a number determines its value based on its position relative to the decimal point.
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
If you are finding it with a decimal it will be 0.006 but if it was a regular number it will be 6000 Stay kind and Curious :)