Cups or pints.
The volume of a pint glass is approximately 568 milliliters. One pound coins have a diameter of approximately 22.5 millimeters and a thickness of approximately 3.15 millimeters. By calculating the volume of a single one pound coin and dividing the volume of the pint glass by it, you can estimate how many coins can fit. However, this calculation may vary slightly due to the irregular shape of the coins and the space between them when stacked.
As we cannot see the paperweight, all I can do is tell you from the information you have given us how to calculate its mass: Find the volume of the paperweight - it will either be explicitly given or is calculable based on the shape of the paperweight; then: mass = volume × density = volume × 3.5 g/cm³ As long as the volume is given in cm³, the mass will be given in g.
Density is independent of the amount of material in a sample. A sample of a homogeneous substance used to find the density can have any volume. If a cm3 of the substance weighs 8.1 grams, then 10 cm3 will weigh 81.0 grams.We might consider water in a glass or bottle as an example. A small sample will have a given weight (mass) because water has a given density. Ten times that sample volume will have ten times the mass of that volume of water. The density of water does not change if we examine water in a small glass and another sample of the same water in a gallon jug.
-- The height and diameter of the glass can best be described in centimeters. -- The thickness of the glass can best be described in millimeters. -- The total volume of the glass, as well as the volume of grapefruit juice, can best be described in milliliters. -- The temperature of the grapefruit juice can best be described in Kelvins (degrees Celsius). -- The specific gravity of the juice is dimensionless. -- The acidity of the juice is best described in terms of its 'pH'.
I believe that one glass is equal to 250 ml.
You cannot find the volume of Orange juice with knowing the size of what storage or container it is put it. Volume is the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object. You cannot randomly calculate it. For example if it was in a glass you could measure the volume by: Vol of hemisphere is 2/3 Pi r^3 Find the vol inside ( r = 22) Find the vol out side ( r = 22 + 0.75) Find the difference = glass before the pattern is cut Find 95% of this = glass remaining r=raduis
Jamba Juice Juice Stop Juice Gallery The Golden Glass Gallery Juice House The Natural Diet Juice The Perfect Gluss Smoothies Natural Purified Just the Perfect Glass I love Juice I'm in love with Smoothies Irrisistable Glass
The particles of a liquid retain the same volume but are not fixed in place. As they retain the same volume no matter what container they are in, it is possible to pour juice into a glass without the particles dispersing as the particles of a gas would. Because the particles of a liquid are not fixed in place, as in a solid, the liquid can flow and fit itself to the shape of the glass.
The juice takes up the shape of the glass. No chemical change takes place.
Orange juice does not change volume when it is poured into a different container. Volume will change if the juice undergoes a process such as concentration.
The volume of any liquid that can fill half of an ordinary glass will be half the volume of the glass.
Take a glass of orange juice and drink it!
To measure the air in a glass full of stones, you can first fill the glass with water. Then, carefully submerge the glass into a larger container of water, making sure no air escapes. The volume of water displaced by the glass will indicate the total volume of the glass, including the volume of air in between the stones. By subtracting the volume of water from the total volume of the glass, you can determine the volume of air present.
The glass of juice will be affected by gravity, and will fall to the floor. Depending on the material and shape of the glass, as well as the hardness of the floor, the glass may or may not break. In practice, it is likely that the juice will be spilled on the floor.
The time it takes for ice to melt in orange juice will vary depending on factors such as the temperature of the orange juice, the size of the ice cubes, and the environment. In general, ice will melt faster in a warmer liquid like orange juice compared to a colder liquid. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour for ice to fully melt in orange juice.