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That depends on the exact size of the orange.

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Q: What is the volume of an orange?
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What is the volume of the orange?

The average volume of an orange is 246.45 centimeter cubed. This is assuming that the average orange weighs about 100 g.

What is the density of an orange you eat?

what is the density and volume of an orange

What is the volume of a toothbrush?

The volume is the same as the difference between a orange.

Does orange juice change volume when poured into a different container?

Orange juice does not change volume when it is poured into a different container. Volume will change if the juice undergoes a process such as concentration.

How do you figure edible volume of an orange if the thickness is 0.5 cm?

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What happens to the surface area to volume ratio when you cut an orange in half?

When you cut an orange in half, the surface area increases while the volume stays the same. This results in an increase in the surface area to volume ratio because the surface area expands while the volume remains constant.

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Is fill volume critical in an orange tube

How do you measure the density of an orange without a scale?

You can determine the density of an orange by measuring its volume using displacement method. Fill a container with water, note the initial volume, then carefully submerge the orange and measure the new volume. The difference between the two volumes will allow you to calculate the volume of the orange, which when divided by its weight gives you the density.

An unpeeled orange floats in water but a peeled orange sinks why?

The peel of an orange is composed of a layer of air-filled cells that provide buoyancy, causing the unpeeled orange to float. When the orange is peeled, the air-filled cells are removed, making the orange denser and causing it to sink in water.

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Why people drink orange juice after blood donation?

There is no medical reason for orange juice. Important is only volume of any juice you like.

What is the approximate volume of orange juice you can get from an matured orange?

Oranges vary greatly in size but in my experience about 1/3 the mass of an orange can be squeezed out by hand. Industrially they probably get closer to 85% as they often shred the entire orange into juice.