Any whole number can be written over 1. To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply that fraction by one over the whole number. 2/3 divided by 4 = 2/3 x 1/4
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.
1 over 6 as a whole number is 0.166666... when expressed as a decimal. In fraction form, it remains as 1/6. Since a whole number is an integer with no fractional part, 1/6 cannot be represented as a whole number.
8 over 1 is equivalent to 8 because every whole number is over 1 as a fraction.
There is no "whole number" that's equal to a fully reduced fraction..1/8 = .125 which is not a whole number.
Any whole number into a fraction is whole number over 1. Whole number = x Fraction = x/1
You can make any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
To write a whole number as a fraction, you take the whole number over "one". 460/1 460 over 1
Any whole number can be written over 1. To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply that fraction by one over the whole number. 2/3 divided by 4 = 2/3 x 1/4
Any whole number can be expressed as a fraction by putting it over 1.
1/7 is a fraction and not a whole number. So it cannot be expressed as a whole number.
to change any whole number into a fraction place the whole number over 1291557----------1
4.25 isn't a whole number. You can change any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
When the remainder is zero the answer is a whole number. Put that number over 1 for an improper fraction.
1/3 is a fraction and therfore not a whole number
If the whole number is one of {-13, -1, 1, 13} then the answer is a whole number. Otherwise it is a rational fraction.
18 over 1