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There is no whole number. One over two = 1/2

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Q: What is the whole number of one over two?
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Explain why one over two equals one whole?

One over two does not equal one whole. Two over two equals one whole.

Is two over three the same as a whole?

No. 3/3 would be a whole, because 3/3 equals 1, and one is a whole number. If a number is over itself, it equals 1.

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They are one whole number and another whole number.

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It is 1.

How do you change a whole number into an improper fraction?

Simply put that number over one. If you have one firsts (1/1) that equals one right? But if you had two firsts (2/1), that would be the same as two. This goes for any whole number.

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You would turn the mixed number into a fraction by multiplying the whole number(the one in the mixed fraction) by the denominator and then you add the numerator to the product. You would then put that number you get and out it over the denominator. For the other whole number, you would put it over one and multiply the two fractions!

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It is two.

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The nearest whole number to one and three quarters is two.

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It is two and one third.

What is seven over two equal in a whole number?

7/2 is a rational fraction and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number.

What are two consecutive whole numbers that 31 falls between?

31 is, itself, a whole number. One whole number cannot fall between two consecutive whole numbers.

Is a two whole number a 8?

Two is a whole number and 8 is a whole number but "two whole number a 8" makes no sense whatsoever.