The value of 8 in 820,411 is eight hundred thousands (800,000).
Eight thousand.
Eight hundred thousand.
Eight hundred thousand
The number 2085.28 is written or spoken "two thousand eighty-five and twenty-eight hundredths." In US currency, the value $2085.28 is "two thousand eighty-five dollars and twenty-eight cents."
To express six million three thousand eight in numerical form, we first note that six million is written as 6,000,000. Then, we add the three thousand, which is written as 3,000. Finally, we add the eight, which is simply written as 8. Therefore, six million three thousand eight is written as 6,003,008.
eight thousand
In 74,968 the value of eight is eight as it's in the units place.
Two million eight hundred thousand is written as 2,800,000
The numeral 80.000 is simply "eighty" (the decimals indicate zero thousandths).
The numeral is written or spoken "eight thousand four hundred seventy-one and fifty hundredths." (Also eight thousand four hundred seventy-one point five zero).In US currency, the value $8471.50 is "eight thousand four hundred seventy-one dollars and fifty cents."
The value of 8 in 820,411 is eight hundred thousands (800,000).
The number four thousand eight hundred can be written as 4,800.
eight hundred thousand
The value of the digit 8 in 287051 is eight ten thousands or eighty thousand.